class QPanda::BasicGridDevice


A BasicGirdDevice is a device model that qubits put on nodes of a rectangular grid It is a virtual class because we haven't dicided how qubits connecting with each other For the simpliest situation, see SimpleGridDevice. More...

Detailed Documentation

A BasicGirdDevice is a device model that qubits put on nodes of a rectangular grid It is a virtual class because we haven't dicided how qubits connecting with each other For the simpliest situation, see SimpleGridDevice.


constructor constructor

m, n: the grid side length


clear all properties except gird side length, re-initialize

get the qubit on (i, j)

Determine whether a double-qubit gate can be applied.

Determine whether a single-qubit gate can be applied.

apply gate and comsume time

apply a double-qubit gate

Check if two qubits are adjacent, location of qubits are (i1, j1) and (i2, j2)

get distance+1 of two qubits

map one qubit


int dest: index of the logical qubit
int i: location of the physical qubit
int j: location of the physical qubit

reset the time

go on next instruction cycle

time when all qubits end up being busy

check if physical qubit on (i, j) free

check if all physical qubits free